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“Have Fun”

“Have Fun”…those were the words Gene Perret used when he started  Round Table as a way for comedy writers and performers to connect and learn more about the business.  After 30 years we are thrilled to still be in the position to help others pursue their dreams.

Through this website, we hope to continue to help Round Table members learn the craft of comedy and to connect with others in their profession.  Subscribers of Round Table will have access to the RT pages. These pages will provide how-to articles, interviews, markets, inspiration, and more.  If you are a subscriber, please access these at any time. We will be updating on an as needed basis and will do our best to provide you with the most recent information. If you are not a subscriber, you may sign up and start enjoying the benefits of a Round Table Subscriber.

Round Table has survived due to our membership. If you have any suggestions or recommendations of what you would like to see here, please let us know. We will do our best to make sure we are fulfilling your needs.

But most important, heed Gene’s advice and “Have fun.”

If you are not a member, we’d love to have you at the Round Table.

Subscriptions can be bought in 1 month, 3 month, and 12 month intervals.

Inside the RT Pages…


Joke Writing 101 by Linda Perret

What’s Bothering You by Linda Perret

Take This to Heart by Linda Perret

Advice that Stuck by Linda Perret

Who’s In Your Corner? by Linda Perret

All In by Linda Perret

“Expert” Advice by Linda Perret

Conflicts in Comedy by Linda Perret

Your Big Break by Linda Perret

The Truth about the Truth in Comedy by Linda Perret

Give Yourself a Break by Linda Perret

What Questions Do You Ask? by Gene Perret

Surviving by Linda Perret

Keep Your Resolutions by Gene Perret

Think Before You Speak by Linda Perret

Here are a Few of my Favorite Quotes about Writing…and Why by Gene Perret


Breaking It Down – 3rd in a Series of Articles on Monologues by Linda Perret

Choosing a Topic – 2nd in a Series of Articles on Monologues by Linda Perret

Why a Monologue – 1st in a Series of Articles on Monologues by Linda Perret

Start with a Laugh by Linda Perret

Safe Place by Linda Perret

Using the “Series of Three” Joke Format Effectively by Linda Perret

End of a Year; Start of a New One by Linda Perret

The Facets of Stand-Up by Gene Perret

There Are People Out There by Gene Perret

You’ve Got to Do the Digging by Gene Perret

Virtual Comedy by Linda Perret


Using the Past to Build a Profit by Linda Perret

Don’t Co-Mingle Your Funds by Linda Perret

Tax Time by Linda Perret

Budget by Linda Perret


Last Night I Dreamt…

Just One

Says Who?

Don’t Think

Introduce Yourself


Vision Boards by Linda Perret

Getting Back Into Shape by Linda Perret

And Go By Linda Perret

Write the Joke; Not the Joke Concept by Gene Perret


Summer is almost here — ROUND TABLE’s Summer Reading List

Freelancing Series – Article 6 – What Should I Charge? by Linda Perret

The Ed Hercer Fund by Linda Perret

Business of Show Business – Tax Prep by Linda Perret

CV- Tips: Tips for coping with the Pandemic

Freelancing Series – Article 5 – Passive Income by Linda Perret

Gene’s Response to a Question

Freelancing Series – Article 4 – Added Income by Linda Perret

Freelancing Series – Article 3 – Increasing Income by Linda Perret

Freelancing Series – Article 2 – Cutting Expenses by Linda Perret

Freelancing Series – Article 1 – Before You Leap by Linda Perret

Comedy Competitions; Magazine Listings



New Books and Class
Now Available

Whether you’re a performer or writer, ROUND TABLE has books that will help further your career.

Visit our store for more details.

Be a Standout in Stand-Up Comedy

Comedy Writing Workbook

How To Do What You Want To Do If What You’re Doing Ain’t What You Want To Do

Comedy Writing Guru

Documentary in the Making

Round Table offers other services including:

The Comedy Writers Workout – A weekly email exercise with personal feedback

The Master Course in Joke Writing with Gene Perret – A 12-week email course on the basics of joke writing.

Contact us for more information on any of our services.

^ Gene sharing a laugh with Bob Hope and others at one of their military shows.